Development notes, tips and tricks for Oracle's HTML DB

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Change the case of a field to upper when a page is submitted:

Change the case of a field to upper when a page is submitted:
Create a page process: Processing > Processes
On Submit and Before Computation
Process: :P1036_STATE_CODE := UPPER(:P1036_STATE_CODE)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two Things:
1. Find a way to keep the site clean. I think you know what I mean.

2. Oracle has indexing on functions now. So an index can be created around upper(last_name) and you can keep the mixed case column which if properly done is easier to read.

10:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the Upper Case process, I needed to put a ";" at the end to save it.

8:37 AM


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